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How I Got Here

Hi! My name is Elisabeth and I am a Certified Tarot Advisor based in France.

I am a Starseed, Indigo Child, HSP, INFJ, Priestess of the Divine Feminine, and Twin Flame.

I have a career as a French teacher to adults. I have lived and worked in various countries across the world but, in the last years, I have been living in France and working from home, online.

I graduated in English and American literature and linguistics (University of Angers), Education (University of Paris III Sorbonne-Nouvelle) and Translation (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada).

My inner work and healing journey started shortly after my dad's passing in my late twenties with Gestalt.

My spiritual awakening occurred in 2000, triggering my ascension.

My Twin Flame codes were activated in 2011.

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Tarot came to me in 2014 during an intuitive reading where I was told it was a modality I was gifted for.

Intrigued, I started following Tarot readers on social media.

I became fascinated, fell in love with this new, kind and reliable friend, and in 2016,

I bought my very first Tarot deck, The Psychic Tarot by John Holland.

I practiced on my own for months, then a little bit with family and friends.

I got certified from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine's Angel Card Reader online course in 2018.

Life interrupted this process for a couple of years but brought me back to it at the end of 2020 and in 2021, I enrolled in the Biddy Tarot Certification Program.

I am now certified as a Tarot Advisor.

I am also a Certified Energy Master and Crystal Reader, an Astrology Student, and Druid in training at the Bardic level.

My readings will invite you to adopt a spiritual, 5D perspective on your situation (The Hanged Man) so that you may align with your Higher Self and higher destiny, and find peace.


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