May 1st is the Celtic feast of Beltane. Beltane represents the height of spring and the beginning of summer. It is a festival of fire where couples used to tie bonds and cattle was cleansed by walking through the smoke for protection. It is the time when the earth is at the peak of its fertile cyle and we can see that in our gardens right now and all over nature where blossoms are literally everywhere by now!
So it is time to take stock and see what the cards have to say to us. I drew two Tarot cards and several oracle cards whose themes are associated with Beltane.
This card seems to be telling us that we need to slow down and check our impulsiveness. We might also want to make sure we don't spend too much time in the mind to the detriment of the heart, Swords being associated to the mental realm and the card being reversed. Let's enjoy springtime and spend time in nature to reconnect with the healing nature brings after the long months of winter indoors. Beltane is the ideal day to do that. The upcoming weeks, as the warmth of the sun will gradually build up, will feel inviting so let's heed the call, slow our minds, and not let our thoughts carry us along too much. If we are working on a project, we can also take a bit of time off every now and then, very important to honor this most special time of the year and create in balance (note to self).
The Hanged Unicorn, aka as The Hanged Man, is a card that invites us to take another look at life and change perspective. This new perspective is not the most familiar to us but it is the one we need right now to carry on forward on our path. It can be about work, family, relationships, ourselves, or anything else. This card tells us that if we open up in terms of how we look at life in general or something in particular, it is going to bring us inner peace and help us relax and let go into a new way of being. So again, make sure you take some time out to allow this inner process to take place. The nurturing found in nature will certainly help with this process. You and I both know this is true. The astrology of the last lunation told us that we are facing such a time when we need to adjust to a new persona of sorts. So, like Odin in the Norse mythology who hung himself at the Tree of Life for 9 days and 9 nights to discover the wisdom of the runes, suspend your activities a little to find what it is you need to cast a new look on, and find enlightenment.
3) BEE
The bee is associated with Beltane. It is a sweet little insect whose buzzing can be extremely soothing. The keywords for Bee are: community, celebration and organization. So Bee invites us to celebrate with your community if you have one. Bee reminds us that no matter how difficult and challenging human relationships can be - and they are! -, we can live together in harmony. The simple things really are what grounds us the most effectively: feeling the sun on our skin, touching the grass with our feet, listening to the sounds of nature brings us back to our center where we can anchor harmony and freedom for the world. Let's also intent for the current global awakening and rise in consciousness to go on exponentially because that is what is saving our communities and our planet and our planet needs saving! We are alive and standing on it so we are the ones who can and must do it. No one else, contrary to some beliefs, can do it for us. We are responsible for the global harmony, peace, and freedom that are our soul rights! What can also motivate us is a firm connection to Spirit or the Goddess or Source. The vibration of the buzzing of Bee can really create that peace inside so we radiate it out and let it span out throughout our area and the world.
Two Greek goddesses and one Egyptian one on this special date. Aphrodite reminds us of love and beauty, two fiercely feminine traits, that she asks us to hold space for, firstly love for ourselves and our own beauty, that the world often makes us forget. In keeping with Aphrodite's message, Artemis reminds us of selfhood and our wild and untamed feminine aspect that feels close to the wild and that we need right now, a bit reminiscent of the Knight of Swords reversed. On Beltane, let's focus our arrow on our connection with nature! And finally, Bast, the lovely cat-headed goddess that reminds us of playfulness a bit like Bee who invited us above to celebrate.
Interestingly, the Tarot and oracle cards really bounce off each other and validate each other. After all, it is the season where life comes back into full sight outside, nature is bursting with colors, scents, vegetation and abundance so let's take advantage of that. It is a simple and profound message. May is the month of Mother Mary in some countries so it is most definitely related to the Feminine, fertility, rebirth, motherhood and the Divine Mother. According to Pamela Chen, the Hanged Unicorn's crystal is aquamarine for composure and the releasing of fear and self-defeating beliefs. Incidentally, aquamarine is a crystal that reminds me of Mother Mary too, the blue belt displayed on her statues from Lourdes certainly contains the energy of aquamarine. Aquamarine is also a crystal for hope.
Enjoy this Beltane as much as you can and welcome the early energies of summer!
Healing Crystals
Sunstone, citrine, carnelian, smoky quartz and Herkimer diamond to amplify.
Oracle Cards
The Druid Animal Oracle - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm
The Goddess Oracle - Amy Sophia Marashinsky & Hrana Janto
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For good karma...