Beltane is the epitome of spring. After Imbolc and Ostara, we are spot in the middle of the light season. Beltane is the festival of the god of fire Belenus, a.k.a. Bel or Balor. He is also known as 'the Bright One'. Apollo, from the Greek mythology, would be his equivalent. He is not to be mistaken with the Middle-Eastern god Baal. The second part of the word comes from teine which means 'fire' in Gaelic.
The tradition at Beltane was to light fires on hilltops in order to celebrate life and fertility. Young people would jump over the fire or, more safely, between two fires, to bring to them husbands or wives, couples to pledge their allegeance to each other, travelers to ensure a safe journey, pregnant women to ensure a safe delivery, and young female to ensure fertility.
The fire was believed to purify and bring protection to those who jumped over it or walked between them (including cattle), destroy all negative energy, and allow all and everyone to thrive since this is the time of year dedicated to fertility.
At the spiritual level, we see here the coming together of the masculine - the god Bel and the powers of spring - and the feminine - fertility.
Make sure you can spend some time either in nature or in a park and focus your attention on the abundance of natural life around you, and give thanks for being a part of it.
Now, what are the energies for the upcoming six weeks of this Beltane season?
We have a major arcana here. The High Priest is the Hierophant in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. This card is about receiving the traditional sacred teachings. However, the card is reversed in our reading. My gut feeling when I saw the reversal was that traditional religious teachings and to a certain extent even New Age channeled teachings should be let go of. A reversal also points to the inner world which would suggest that the only voice and spiritual teacher that truly matters and that should be heeded from now on is our intuition. It needs to be pointed out here though that that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want. That is neither spiritual nor sacred. Our intuition is the voice of the Divine, not the voice of our ego and the Divine has Laws that we need to follow. Paradoxically, that is what leads us to freedom. Limits (the unifying circle around the Seal of Salomon) and Divine Law lead to freedom, not whimsical desires and urges.
This means that we have reached a good level of maturity, if not mastery, but I insist: Divine Law a.k.a. Natural Law is not self-centered, ego-driven, or narcissistic. Many people in spiritual circles tend to forget that and act as if they were all-powerful because 'they know' when in fact they are disconnected from the real Divine Intelligence which they dismiss. Caution.
This card may make many shrink and shrivel but at this stage of our journey, there is little to fear in terms of pain and betrayals. It's behind us. My gut feeling here is telling me that the only pain we may experience, with regard to the previous card, is grief caused precisely by the fact that we are shifting paradigm. We have entered the paradigm of the heart, of unity, of self-governance and we are leaving a whole world behind us with people and things we have held dear for most of our lives. We are taking the big leap now. Therefore, a little bit of grief is inevitable and we might feel it in our hearts but it was indeed our choice, the wise choice of our soul, of our Higher Self. It's the final little ache before definitively moving on. And that hangs onto a choice: 'I'm leaving a chaotic world and it was my conscious decision (Swords), I have no regrets, the commotion I'm leaving behind is not mine, the people who are still bogged down in it have the resources to extract themselves out of it as much as I did'. Compassion is in order. We are not saviors, we are wayshowers. The Three of Swords can indeed be a bit like the Ten of Swords, a positive message in disguise, reminding us that we have healed our trauma and are now free to go unscathed and trustful because we have our inner High Priest within, guiding us from now on.
This reading is for endings. Wisdom gained; self-confidence gained; maturity gained; mastery reached. Paradigm shift. Heart and mind balanced so that emotions don't overcome and undermine the ability to make enlightened, clear, sharp, happy decisions. Pain doesn't mean much anymore and doesn't seduce the mind because the pain body has been dissolved. There is no pleasure in wallowing in it. Joy, light-heartedness, anticipation, faith, hope, trust are what drives us now on an almost permanent basis. This is 5D.
The world around us is collapsing. Happen what may but the light beings, including ourselves, are watching and orchestrating this fall. It will take another couple of years (I'm hearing until 2026) but we are good. Let's enjoy our work, our results, our new place in the new dimension, our new consciousness, our advancement. This peace is here to stay.
4) CAT
Cat's keywords are guardianship, detachment and sensuality. Cat will help you observe the situation before you make a decision so since we need to make the conscious decision (over and over) mentioned above about remaining free of emotional fog, Cat may come in handy during this Beltane season that it is associated with. Cat will take its time, listening carefully for a long while and then act with precision. So can we get our act together if we feel we are leaning too dangerously towards the emotional side at the expense of the rational side thus losing balance? In fact, this balance is exactly what makes this feline friend so sensual.
Traditionally, Beltane began when Hawthorn blossomed. It is an ancient tree whose sharp thorns protect it and it is said that wherever it grows marks the entrance to the realm of the fairies. It is associated with magic and spiritual cleansing so this bodes well as Beltane is all about purification: the color of its white flowers naturally associate it with the White Goddess (the Moon). Its message is that the world is full of miracles if you have the eyes to see. Observe (Cat!) and connect with the magic of your senses and nature and rejoice at this season savoring everything it is offering you.
Time has come for balance and launching! A new world and a New Earth is unfolding in front of us. We may have nothing figured out but it is exactly how it is supposed to be. Our inner High Priest shows us the way ahead which is the way of the heart. The wisdom earned from our past heartaches has turned us into new, open individuals who feel our way forward.
This reading is to be placed in the wider context of the previous readings. At Ostara, the Fool was reminding us that the work started at Samhain was being continued and now, we are reaping the harvest of our efforts. We have been playing with balancing emotions and reason for several seasons now and Beltane is the finish line: we got here and now we can sit back a bit and appreciate the full-fledged victory.
Healing Crystals
Emerald, green fluorite, moonstone, selenite, clear quartz
Oracle Cards
The Druid Animal Oracle - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm
The Wisdom of Trees Oracle by Jane Struthers
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For good karma...