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What Is Seduction?

small carved diamonds
Model for a future society of adamantine sovereign beings devoid of seduction and dedicated to unity & self-governance.

☥ Welcome to my Mystery School – The Temples of Isis ☥

The seduction that is referred to in this article is not the one you may be thinking about. The seduction that is referred to here is a lot more insidious and ubiquitous throughout society and behaviors than the seduction people use to attract a sexual or life partner, which is just one aspect of it.

The seduction that is examined here is a kind of psychic cancer; it is the ugly offspring of the virus investigated in three recent articles on this blog and it comes about when one is absorbed by the external reality at the expense of their inner life. (You will better understand the significance of this article if you take the time to discover the origin and nature of the aformentioned virus.)

The subject is so vast that it is extremely difficult to define it and describe its ramifications in a short article. Let’s start by saying that we are so used to seduction that we don’t notice it anymore so let's try to identify it and bring it to light.


Seduction, which is everywhere in our cultures and psyches, is the obstacle to intimacy, real freedom, self-governance, and self-love since it is impossible to be free, sovereign, and love yourself and someone else if you rely on people's perception of you and are afraid to be yourself. It is the root cause of all sorts of competitive behaviors, jealousy, warfare, manipulation, energy stealing and feeding that pervade and damage every stratum of daily and community life.

Seduction is the foundation of the third dimension (3D) of the ego, the mind, individualism, and materialism in which most humans live, and where the politically correct has contaminated the brains and the real and true have lost their place.

We are used to being controled, enticed, lured, tempted, subjugated, beguiled, hypnotized, in other words…seduced by…money, marketing campaigns and special offers, commercials, the media, celebrities, politics, our families that hang onto their values, belief systems, and harmful inherent dynamics, the State, its educational system, its official version of science (history, physics...) and its culture, as well as sports, religions, spiritual teachings (the New Age movement), friends, lovers, neighbors, co-workers, all the way to the music we listen to and the foods we eat: sugar, honey and syrup…in the literal and figurative sense. And we love that.

And vice versa. We do it too: boasting and bragging to promote ourselves (social media, job interviews, seeking parents' and friends' approval, a partner's validation...), hiding failures, weaknesses, ignorance of a subject, magnifying successes, bank accounts, skills...

It is a dominator / dominated type of dynamics: the dominator is the seducer and the dominated is seduced (the roles are not fixed and can be reversed depending on the people and the situation). It is the angelic face of the devil wanting to allure and win its prey over to more easily deceive it later on.

Seduction is an addiction. It is the mold that shapes perfectionism and victimhood, that promotes nostalgia, yearning, an exaggerated romanticism, laziness and the denial which prevents us from extracting ourselves out of it because we must realize we love something or someone that is harmful to us, that causes us pain, that does not serve us, that locks up and limits us, which prevents us from reaching our highest potential and that we must walk away from, tear ourselves away from, like the foetus does in order to embrace the next phase of its life. It is an invisible psychological prison.


Seduction is like a more or less anonymous organization of constant and permanent indoctrination which forces us to forget who we are and demands from us that we submit ourselves to its agenda. It owns our minds, our intelligence, and our critical thinking. It throws a veil over our clarity. It locks up our hearts. It tears our souls out of our bodies. It has made its way everywhere, controls our every move and choice including our next holiday resort, and makes it challenging to disagree with a mate, friend or boss: we become people pleasers and waste huge amounts of energy bogged down in these swamps of niceness, unable and scared to escape.


Its goal is to reduce humans to mere soulless and apathetic consumers, blind and groveling activists, numb and compliant slaves whose life force energy, manpower, labor, creativity, financial resources are preyed upon.

Seduction is like glue or jelly, a weight weighing us down, making us ever ready to obey and go along to get along. It prevents us from making waves and using our voice, exploits our social instinct, our need to belong to a group. It will stop us from freeing ourselves from our parents and the matrix, from doing the research, from looking into and asking the hard questions, from throwing off the shakles chaining us to co-dependency, from being humble and vulnerable enough to love and being loved for love does not exist in the third-dimensional seduction paradigm: what people call 'love' in 3D is nothing other than seduction (it is conditional). Instead of being vertically connected to the Divine and their Higher Self, they are horizontally connected to the outside world, its expectations and standards, and their lower self. True divine unconditional love is found solely in the fifth dimension (5D) after a long and arduous purifying journey and rise in frequency.


What perpetuates this consciousness of subordination and enslavement is division, duality and separation: opposing outwardness and inwardness, good and evil, me and others and above all…me and the Divine.

The indoctrination consists in idealizing and coveting all things outside (success, power, sex) and gratifying people at the expense of the inside (serenity, contentment, bliss, communion with the invisible realms and nature) and self-love. Concretely: I am a good person and gain salvation if I love and do good to my neighbor

This perspective, which is severely misaligned with unconditional love, is the ultimate trap that keeps us estranged from ourselves and generates a high level of guilt if we try to put ourselves first. This triggers the victim self inside and drama is now lurking.

It contains quite a few dangers since, as things stand now (thorough therapeutic work still being quite rare), ‘doing good to my neighbor,’ most of the time, really means projecting upon them the emotional bagage which I'm still denying I carry within which I do not accept, do not love, haven’t healed and integrated, and which still hurts my inner child.


An awakening being will naturally withdraw energetically from this stupefied matrix and will learn to turn inward to listen, carefully listen to their intuition, wisdom and timeless memory. They will cease to betray and demean themself. They will cut off tentacle after tentacle after tentacle not to isolate themself but to reunite and reunify with what the very same matrix calls ‘God’ (an externalized God in that case), which is nothing other than the inherent divinity found in each one of us: mystery, neutrality, non duality, unity, the integration of polarities, and experience interdependency with others.

They will progressively understand that they should only pledge allegiance to themself, in other words their essence, their soul, their joy, their heart, their responsibility toward their own life and their own happiness, and maintain a high vibration that the people around them and in contact with them will be able to connect to and be inspired by, thus giving them permission to do the same: release an insanely dysfunctional and toxic world and only commit to the unconditional love that governs the universe.

Away from their familiar landmarks and lost within the truth of nonreference point, they will have to confront their demons, entities and situations that will harshly test their determination, willpower, creativity, sovereignty and choice to become a free-thinking, free-doing and free-loving being again.


The diamond (the activated merkaba, the light body) is the symbol of the impeccability that can be attained when the impurities of the world of seduction are purged out of the psyche, energetic field, and cellular and karmic memory.

It represents the shining truth cleansed of distortions and lies.

A diamond is made of noble, christalline, incorruptible and inviolable matter, that is to say matter which is sacred, sealed...and sugar-free.



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We are in an age of desinformation, seduction, lies, and immaturity where intelligence, purity, and truth are the first victims. The content of this blog aims at restoring the bases of an emotionally and spiritually sound and enlightened society. It may feel a bit extreme and maybe offensive to some people. Truth, in essence, is immutable and wages war against falsehood. Therefore, it is quite naturally belligerent and triggers the vain, superficial, and immature ego only used to getting its ways and immediate gratification. It is its role and goal: get out of the state of hypnosis and mental control that a vast majority of people in this world are in, and raise awareness in this age of darkness and complacency. I wish to make it clear that I do not write these articles to be nice, or not nice for that matter, but to serve the Great Cause which is universal Love and the return of the Goddess, our divine Mother. Facing the truth takes great courage (the root of which is cor in Latin, meaning ‘heart’, therefore having courage takes heart). The wisdom offered on this blog reflects the mission I’m on since without truth, we lose our freedom altogether. The stifling lack of truth these days explains for the equally stifling presence of modern slavery which, let’s make no mistake about it, is the current condition of the human race.

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